Peopele amaze me and I love it

I hope you will enjoy this video.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Sunday, February 06, 2011

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Great Video, I love how they mix the music with all the instruments. I hope you all enjoy it.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

My Adventures in China

Going to China was a great adventure for me. I thought it would be easy to post daily covering what I did each day. Well it didn't happen not because I didn't try but because Blogger wasn't available in Beijing or any other area we went to.

So this blog will be a synopsis of what I did because it is just to much posting a daily entry.

There were several who went so I will go back and forth with I and we. We left May 28, 2010 and returned June 19, 2010. It was a three week trip which I loved every minute. I noticed in my journal I didn't write about the flight home so I want to say it was a messed up flight. Raquel and I left Beijing at 5:00 am, we had a 5 hour lay over in Seattle it was long. Landed in Utah around 2:00 pm Larry was waiting it was so good to see Larry and Carly. Raquel was anxious to see her daughter Isabel.

Ok backtrack now the night before we left there was one last meeting which I thought was crazy only because I had a ton of packing to do. The thing I wish was covered a little more was what to wear but the good thing was we were out an hour early. I rushed home started packing and was able to get 2 hours sleep. The excitement was building I wanted to scream top of my lungs but couldn't because everyone was sleeping or rather Larry was sleeping. The clothes I ended up taking was about the same as if I was going home to Florida. Larry didn't take me to the airport Carly did. It was great she did great. She is a sweetie. Anyway we picked Raquel up along with her suitcase. We ended up with 3 suitcases one was full of UVU stuff for gifts. For all those who want to know yes I only used one suitcase and it was under weight:) It was lots of fun rooming with Raquel. We had a good time learning and playing. Those who went were Jim Green, Danny and his wife, Kathy and her husband, Erik (he was the history buff covering China and our guide), another Jim and his wife, Dennis Farnsworth, Steve Crook, Steve the accountant, Bonnie and her husband, Ernie and his wife everyone in this group stayed for 2 weeks Raquel and I stayed for an extra week to work in the schools and meet with professors from Beijing Normal University.
After arriving in Beijing which was the next day we dropped our stuff off and went on a tour.

Books to read so we can all understand China and what the people all went through. They are an amazing culture and society. I have read so much of their history it amazes me how resilient and strong they are in from where they came from to who they are today. I love the country and the people. I can't wait to return.
Oh yeah the books: The Road Home, The Rape of Nanking, Post Mao, Chinese Education.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010



Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Family Picture

Can you believe we were ever this young. It is great to see us all together. Life has gone by so fast and there have been so many changes, wow! When I look at this picture I understand why we should have all kept journals. Wouldn't it be cool if we all had a journal of our lives, put it together and write a book called the Happenings and Mis-Happenings of the Rowe Family. I bet it would be a best seller or better yet Steven Spielberg making our movie:)

Enya, May it Be

NO Worries

Bottled vs Tapped

I know it has been awhile since I've been on my blog. Came across this video. Being blind to big businesses today can be a nightmare. Just when I believe (yes I know crazy) businesses care I view or read more information. Check this out..

A Few Thoughts Concerning Technology

How do you envision the future course of eduction? Do you focus on emerging technologies to predict what life will be like with new tools and how it weaves together with all the other forces: ecological, economic, political, and societal? Do you think about what education will be like under these conditions? Maybe it will change life drastically; maybe it won’t. Maybe government-supported education will diminish in a world with other opportunities. Do you think about what students will need to face, cope, and succeed in an ever-changing world. Or do you think about what we know and what we have in learning about the art and science of teaching, and how to transform the current system to get us where we want to be.
For me I think about transforming classrooms so students are prepared to face, cope, and succeed in an ever-changing world.

We have the NETS for Students as a guide to what students should know and be able to do to learn effectively and live productively. We have the NETS for Teachers as a guide to what teachers need to know and be able to do. Take a moment and read the NETS located under Bookmarks. We have old and new technology tools in our schools.

For instance using tools that have been around for a while: graphing calculators for math, digital video of scientific processes and simulations for science, word processing for English, and digitized primary resources found on the Internet for social studies. Newer tools (Web 20) are used in transforming content such as: blogs for online collaborative writing, podcasts of lectures for teachers who want to focus class time on projects, labs, and other curricular areas, electronic exercise equipment such as Dance Revolution and stationary bikes with built-in screens and video games for physical exercise.
Using certain technologies does have the power to start a transformation for teachers under the right circumstances. By identifying the transformative technologies, the curricula and essential conditions for their success, and sharing what works, we can contribute further to transforming education for students.
MyUEN Site to Visit

More Pictures

It is funny one of my students gave me this neat site to download and upload pictures and it is easy to upload to your blogs. I was so excited to share it with Carly but she blasted me. She just laughed and said "mom me and my friends always use this site for our photos". It is funny this has happen before when I wanted to share some neat Internet sites with her. She is already using them. I wish she would start sharing what she knows with me. It amazes me the stuff these kids know today when it comes to the Internet, sharing pictures, and music. Maybe they will be the generation to change how kids learn in school and teachers teach. I hope you all take a moment to enjoy some old pictures I was trying out in my new slide program.

Cory's Training

October Great Month

October is my favorite month. Not only because fall is here in full bloom but because my son Scott Michael was born on the 16th. Even though the Lord called him home early, his day is still celebrated. I burn a candle all day in remembrance of him. Thanks to Tiffany and Steve for this thoughtful act. It is a great way to remember those you love and lost. Another reason is the Halloween season. Halloween is so much fun with all the ghost stories, haunted houses, and goblins we have to deal with. Here is a great Halloween site to visit especially if you are interested in learning about ghost, witches’, vampires, werewolves, haunted house, etc... Take a peak and have fun. For the brave and curious visit this site Halloween.

Cool Dancing

I thought you all may want to see some cool dancing steps.